A Better Spiral Crochet Granny Square

I found lots of ideas that were cool and artistic, but they seem to be more complex, more work and less “granny”. The beauty of the granny square is its utter simplicity. I wanted that same classic shape, only in four colors.

Only the first round needs to be modified, to attach and spin the four colors. After that, it’s pretty much the standard granny pattern.

Chain 5, join to form a ring. Chain 5, then 3dc in the ring.

Make several chain stitches to hold things in place while you drop that color and pick up the next one, then you’ll pull those out when you work with that color again.

Pick up the next color, attach to the ring, make 5 chain, then 3dc. (Then add several chain stitches that you’ll pull out later)

Repeat with the 3rd and 4th colors. Now there are four colors in the ring.

Ch 1, and in the next color’s 5 sc loop, put 3dc, ch2, 3dc.

Do that same thing in the next three colors’ ch5 loops.

After that it’s standard granny. In the ch2 corners do (3dc, ch2, 3dc) and in the ch1 sides do (ch1, 3dc).

Is that clear? Suggestions / mistakes let me know plz 🙂

Carry on the color you’re working with until you get to the end of the color below it, pick up the color below and work on that round for a while.

Like this– .

To keep the yarn from ending up in a mess, have a container for whatever color ball you’re working with and the other three can be loose.

There’s another sample.

Spiral granny crochet square – sample 2

More to come. It went like all my projects – I “solved the puzzle” then forgot about it for a couple years. I just picked it up again, 2408.

If you make something cool with this, I’d love to see it!

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