Barbie 28 inch Peasant Top and Hawaiian Dress

Here’s another dress pattern to make your own outfits for Best Fashion Friend Barbie.

NOTE this is NOT the regular height Barbie, this is the big 28 inch super sized one! But not 36 inch My Size Barbie either. I don’t have clothes for the 36″ one. For the regular size 11.5 inch tall Barbie clothes click that tag.

Mattel image of little girl kneeling next to 28 inch Barbie

I’m sharing this in late fall for the benefit of all of you grandmas who need to make doll clothing right now. I last worked on it in 2018 and haven’t gotten back to it yet so it’s not finished, just the basic pattern pieces. Here are some clothes I made during the testing process.

Some of those have the side seams cut straight downwards instead of curved in.

As you can see it fits 28 inch Descendants too.  (A dress for Evie is coming SOON.) 

The red one was cut out of a pregathered garment, then I added a ruffle. Since the garment was already gathered, that made the skirt wide.

Here’s another long tropical muumuu.

Cute country girl Barbie. I think this was the first version I tried making more fitted, then didn’t like it and made a crop top instead. I’ll share that short skirt pattern here soon. 

Another crop top version and that denim pencil skirt is coming soon, too. 

The basic peasant top becomes a dress



  1. You are so kind to share such nice patterns. I made your halter dress pattern and it turned out perfectly. Thank you!

    • There, I fixed it. Try it again. Sorry about that. I just ripped the site apart again and I’m patching it back together. That particular error was overzealous redirection rather than simple neglect, hence took that much longer to figure out XD

  2. The outfits are so cute. I need some for my 28 inch girls for summer. But it us still winter here in Minnesota. Please keep sharing your awesome designs.

  3. Wonderful gift you are giving to us to create the smiles on all those young faces. My seven year old granddaughter’s comment was, “ Oh GIgi! Thank you so much for the clothes for Ella. I really really appreciate them!”

    • I’m glad to help and it’s always fun to get messages. But what doll are you sewing for? This won’t fit a 32″ Elsa, 15″ Elle or 11″ Ella… Just want to double check.

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