By request! Here’s a cute country girl look. The crop top is the peasant pattern shortened a little and elastic added, and here’s a pattern for the slim denim skirt.

That’s the first draft. I finally got around to testing it again!
I’m off grid at the moment. At least I have my tablet and a folding solar panel, so I used the lovely Ivy Draw, cool vector editor for Android that I’ve talked about here, to make the pattern and print as a PDF.
Make sure that line comes out 3 inches.
It goes together in a snap. Stitch the darts, join side seams, fold over and zigzag all edges, add velcro.

I also have another cute skirt in mind, a little yoked, ruffled miniskirt, and that was in the drawing and testing phase when I moved to the frozen north. But things are getting a bit better, at least I have my lovely sewing area together (if by battery light) so hopefully I’ll get to it soon, because it’ll be fun!
just wondering if by chance you have any more of those wonderful patterns for 28 inch tall Barbie doll ( like the crop top and the jean skirt)? Thanks
I just made this post and took the liberty of moving your comment to it.
The crop top is just the peasant top pattern shortened and gathered.
This is what I have for the skirt at the moment, I hope it helps 😊