Doll Patterns

  • Barbie One Size Fits All Sewing Patterns

    Barbie One Size Fits All Sewing Patterns

    I see a real need for this. It’s a simple, easy dress to fit any Barbie shape. We have a pile of naked Barbies! They need clothes quick, and they should be able to share. Let’s go. Here’s a pull-on shift dress, about as basic as it can be. The other is a basic peasant…

  • My First Barbie 13.5″ Free Printable Sewing Pattern

    My First Barbie 13.5″ Free Printable Sewing Pattern

    Oh guys, it’s been a journey, I must say. More about that later. At the moment I’m *grateful* that I still have technology enough to produce a reasonably decent printable pattern. We have moved off grid, kind of feels like we fell off the world computer-wise. I have Android and a little solar battery and…

  • Denim skirt for Barbie BFF 28″

    Denim skirt for Barbie BFF 28″

    By request! Here’s a cute country girl look. The crop top is the peasant pattern shortened a little and elastic added, and here’s a pattern for the slim denim skirt. That’s the first draft. I finally got around to testing it again! I’m off grid at the moment. At least I have my tablet and…

  • Princess Dress Pattern for Curvy Barbie

    Princess Dress Pattern for Curvy Barbie

    I love Miss Blue’s beautiful space princess hair. Of course my first dress for her had to be a princess seams sundress. Princess seams are not a very easy design to create. I set out to do a strapless at first, but it didn’t happen and this did. Might be because I can identify with…

  • Barbie 28 inch Peasant Top and Hawaiian Dress

    Barbie 28 inch Peasant Top and Hawaiian Dress

    Here’s another dress pattern to make your own outfits for Best Fashion Friend Barbie. NOTE this is NOT the regular height Barbie, this is the big 28 inch super sized one! But not 36 inch My Size Barbie either. I don’t have clothes for the 36″ one. For the regular size 11.5 inch tall Barbie…

  • Barbie 28 inch Best Fashion Friend Classic Dress

    Barbie 28 inch Best Fashion Friend Classic Dress

    I realize this is Thanksgiving week and there are a lot of grandmas out there who need some 28″ Barbie clothing in a hurry, so I’m sharing this pattern for you, in its unfinished state. I’m planning to do more work on it later. Here is a dress I made from this draft back in…

  • Free Peasant Dress Pattern for 18″ Girl Doll

    Free Peasant Dress Pattern for 18″ Girl Doll

    To my delight, I was gifted a Paradise Kids 18″ doll that needed some clothing. I got right to work making her something.  Here we are with a basic peasant dress, but this is only the beginning. I have something else in mind, something VERY cool, you’ll see! It might be ten years from now…

  • Barbie Best Fashion Friend Strapless Dress Pattern

    Barbie Best Fashion Friend Strapless Dress Pattern

    Free pattern for a basic strapless dress that can be made any length. Note this is for the LARGE 28-inch Barbie doll, not the regular size 11.5″ ones. Those patterns are elsewhere. Download and print the PDF pattern here — FREE for personal use Lay out the pages like this. Butt the edges of the…

  • Mailbag


    Photos of finished projects that people sent in to the old version of this site. I’m uploading them again here because they’re all so artistic!

  • Free Patterns for Tyler Wentworth

    Free Patterns for Tyler Wentworth

    I made a bunch of outfits all at once when I needed them for gifts, and here I’m going to share the patterns. These are for the 16″ Tyler Wentworth along with Brenda Starr and many other Tonner dolls. The white tops are the strapless bodice with lace added. Here’s the basic bodice sloper and…

  • Sewing Pattern for Barbie Basics (ModelMuse) body – Halter Top Dress

    Sewing Pattern for Barbie Basics (ModelMuse) body – Halter Top Dress

    Free printable sewing pattern for a cute halter top dress. Instructions: Fold over sides of both top pieces and topstitchLay one top piece over the other to the place where the arrow points, pin them together then gather the lower edges of both Pull gathering threads until the top pieces fit between the two arrows…

  • Sewing Pattern for 1999 Bellybutton Barbie One-Shoulder Dress

    Sewing Pattern for 1999 Bellybutton Barbie One-Shoulder Dress

    Free Printable Pattern. Someone requested an off-the-shoulder dress. I only glanced at the email and suddenly had a great idea how to do that, and in a flash of creativity, produced this. No, no, she had said “off the shoulder”. Oops. Well, I guess it was time for me to make Barbie a one shoulder…

  • Bellybutton Barbie V-neck Dress Sewing Pattern

    Bellybutton Barbie V-neck Dress Sewing Pattern

    Here’s a free pattern in pdf format to print. This one can be a bodice to add a skirt to, or lengthen the lines to make a flattering princess seams dress. I appreciate a pattern that doesn’t involve shoulder seams. Every fiddly step eliminated makes it that much easier. It has a simple, modest neckline…

  • Barbie Strapless Dress Free Pattern

    Barbie Strapless Dress Free Pattern

    Printable sewing pattern to download in pdf form. There’s one for the old 1966 vintage Mattel shape, one for 1999 Bellybutton shape (which I think is most common nowadays), one for skinny Barbie Basics and one for the 2006 shorter body which is only 11″ tall. Barbie strapless bodice pattern for 1966 / original Barbie…

  • Gene 16″ Doll Princess Dress Pattern

    Gene 16″ Doll Princess Dress Pattern

    Princess seams dress I designed for 16 inch Gene Marshall doll. The wedding dress just has a large ruffle added. Here’s the printable pattern for download. Make sure to print the pdf at 100% and not “fit to page”. 1/4″ seams included. Brief Instructions: Fold over the top edge of the front and stitch. Sew…

  • Dress Pattern for Bellybutton Barbie

    Dress Pattern for Bellybutton Barbie

    This was the first Barbie dress I designed from scratch, many longs ago. It was by necessity and was jumping into unknown waters for me. Up until then I had been using commercial patterns to make outfits for my daughters’ dolls, but at some point four of their nine Barbies were the new bellybutton kind…

6 thoughts on “Doll Patterns”

  1. Hi, I thought you should know that your pattern (rather the photos and instructions) for the Barbie doll halter neck dress are in 2 books I purchased online. Please contact me if you want more details.

    1. I do appreciate you sharing. That’s not unusual, and usually nothing I can do about it. Some people even thank me for my patterns and then copy them to sell.
      Honestly, it might be weird but what bugs me worse is people who make photocopies of “vintage” patterns still under copyright by the big three commercial companies and sell them as pdfs on Etsy which is not only wrong but egregiously illegal and Etsy won’t do anything about it although they could easily stop it. Some of those sellers have sold thousands of copies of Simplicity patterns, but it’s not within Simplicity’s means to go after each one of them in court. They ignore them like the small time pirates that they are. End rant 🙂

      1. I just wanted to tell you that I'd read your 'rant' and it stuck with me. I've stopped buying pdf patterns from etsy and other sites, opting now to wait for physical copies of patterns instead. I've also told friends who sew about this situation, and how it may ultimately hurt us all if it causes talented designers to quit making new designs for us. Most of us in the sewing community are really appreciative of the amount of work that goes into making random fabrics and threads into such beautiful clothing; Laying it all out, describing the steps, and making it accessible to us lesser-talented folks deserves reward, not frustration! I am perfectly willing to pay for what I want to use, but I want it to go to the person who earned it! I didn't like learning that what I thought were legitimate purchases were actually pirated patterns. I think most people would be just as unhappy to discover the same. Perhaps if enough people are made aware, we can end this practice, or at least force etsy to step up their enforcement of copyrights. They'll lose my business if not. Every journey begins with one step.
        Anyway, just wanted to let you know your rant did some good 🙂

  2. Good day Janel.

    I printed out your Barbie Doll patterns a few years back and only now have started using them.I just want to let you know that the patterns are perfect fits and I also alter them to fit all the different size Fashion Dolls that I sew for now. I am an ex dress designer with lots of sewing experience and stopped a number of years ago and was wondering what to do with all my stock of material etc instead of just selling everything off, I decided to start making Fashion Dolls clothes with the material, which a lot of is vintage. So thank you once again for your patterns as I only had the original Barbie Dolls to work with but I have now been buying secondhand newer versions of Barbie and Ken Dolls. I am selling the clothing that I make. Oh, and I have a lot of original vintage Simplicity patterns for Fashion Dolls.

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