It’s about as simple, basic and easy as a sewing pattern can get. Free pdf to print at home.
Free pinafore dress pattern with modest neckline and long armholes. Adult woman/misses size.

This is a multi-size pattern I made up several years ago. Nowadays I think I made the sizing more generous than it needs to be and the results are too loose. I’d say the pattern is fine, just ignore the sizes marked on it, and decide how large you want the jumper to be then choose the appropriate piece according to the measurement, remembering to allow for seams.
The original pattern finished garment measures from 39″ to 48″ at the waist. That would fit waists of maybe 33″ up to 42″.
Original jumper pattern (note the newer version is below)
And this is the skirt pattern I used. It has a bit of shape and hangs nicer than just gathering a square.
In the picture, I’m 38-30-42, and I cut a size 38″ for myself. I cut the skirt shape on the 12″ cutting line for minimal gathering and maxi length. For a larger size one would need the 14″ cutting line at least.
Cut four skirt pieces, or two on the fold adding corners.
Sew the backs and fronts together at the shoulder seams, then line them up like this,

Sew the armholes and neckline, press, clip the curves and then pull the back pieces through at the shoulders.

Sew up the back seam right sides together. (Up one side, over the top, and down the other side)
The skirt piece can be cut in four pieces, or cut two on the fold and then add corners.

At that point it’s traditional to sew the side seams, then gather the skirt and attach.
On this one I tried being different. I gathered the skirt front and back pieces separately, sewed them to the front and back of the bodice, then sewed up the side seams last. That way I had to hand-stitch the bodice lining later, which is not without pains of its own. It might be easier the traditional way.
New model for 2021
Then recently I made up a new jumper pattern for myself that I’m going to share also. I wanted a jumper that was more close fitting. Six inches ease at the waist is enough, I have a 30″ waist and most of my dresses are 18″ when spread out flat.
I was going for a pioneer apron look with the even longer armholes. I didn’t want any seams or shaping in front, but some shaping is good so I took it out of the back. I don’t know if that’s a standard way but I like how it turned out.

Here is that file in pdf for printing.
My two next plans for it are to make a real apron by cutting the back pieces inward a bit and adding ties. I’m also going to do a spiral seams version, like this. That’s in the testing stage right now.

I also made myself a fake fur cave chick outfit in preparation for my cold new home.
It was cut roughly with this pattern but a lot larger because the fabric is so thick. What you can’t see is that it’s lined with another layer of fleece. Almost medieval, isn’t it?

Here’s one I made by cutting the denim top shape and the panels straight down then adding some triangle godets as needed. (Cut straight down front and back – sew the side seams just under the armpits – try it on – there will be triangular gaps. Visualize those gaps and cut pieces of fabric that shape – stitch em in there – if more fullness needed, add a back seam with another godet)

Hello! I have been looking for a jumper similar to the ones you’ve shown, as my work dress is almost bare thread.
Thank you, I like all of your examples.
Saving and sharing to friends.
Thank you so much! I’m glad to be of any help to you. I appreciate you sharing the link. I’d love to see pictures of your finished product or any feedback you might have for me.
I’ve been looking all over for this exact style of dress! It’s simple, straightforward, and so clear that I can adapt it to my own proportions! Thank you for being an answer to prayer.
And for free? I’m grateful to be on earth with a civilized human.
Thank you !!
And no pics yet bec I JUST found this pattern.
Oh my, thank you sister for this pattern!!! I have been looking for something modest to wear to church!!! you are the greatest!