My daughter showed me Granny Guns on Instagram and I wanted protein cookies. Her recipe is a bit too focused for me, with no flour. I wanted flour like real cookies. I looked at some of the recipes on some protein powder websites, then as usual went away and did something different.
This is the easy-to-remember recipe I use all the time, with just a few things changed.
Spelt flour or oat flour are so much nicer to start off with. Some of the need for sugar in cookies is to overcome the taste of the wheat.

2 eggs
1/2 cup butter
1/2 c honey
1 c peanut butter
1 c protein powder
1.5 c flour (spelt or oat)
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
big handful chocolate chips
Instructions as usual.
It comes out the consistency of play dough and really can’t be mixed with a spoon. Put on a glove and knead it.
About that time, I gave up sugar again. How many times does this have to happen? Will it never end? Probably not, and there’s some peace in accepting that. I’ll give up sugar, and some time later I’ll give up sugar again, and suffer the cravings for a while, and get all the way past it again, and feel so good, again, and later, I’ll have to quit sugar again.
I don’t do moderation. That’s not how I roll. Quitting sugar means quitting sweetener, or else it’s a slippery slope straight back.
I made cookies for my dear husband and watched him eat them, and then realized how stupid I was being.
I only want to give up sweetener! I don’t want to give up pie, cake and cookies. Is that even a thing? Don’t see it on internet. They all have alternative sweeteners. How about just forget the sweetener. Spelt flour tastes nice, butter tastes nice, cooked eggs are all right. All together and baked, they taste nice. With some warm tea and a crossword puzzle, they are very nice.
Those protein cookies without the sweetener goes like this –
2 eggs
1/2 cup butter
1 c peanut butter
1 c protein powder
1 c flour
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda.
big handful chocolate chips (those 90% cocoa ones are about as unsweetened as you can get)
And look like the same basic deal –

They are unavoidably slightly sweetened by the stevia in the protein powder.

When you detox from sugar, unsweet things start to taste better. These taste satisfying. They taste like, “This is me, eating thick cookies in the morning.” I’m missing out on nothing.

Next try was unsweetened pie. Here’s two pies. Husband’s one is canned peaches, flour, sugar, cinnamon, with flour, sugar and butter crumbs. Mine is canned peaches and pineapple with flour and cinnamon, and flour and butter crumbs on top.

Whipped some cream. Fresh cream with a little vanilla is DELICIOUS and satisfying.

Howzat for food photography XD
And now some leftover whipped cream with crumbled unsweetened cookies and a can of mandarin oranges (they had a sugar syrup but draining them is the best I can do right now).

“As little sugar as possible” lifestyle is not exactly what deprivation looks like.